Rev. Dr. Nicholas "Nick" Marica is a 69 year old pastor who was diagnosed with Covid-19 and Diabetes on Christmas Day, 2020. He spent the next 6 months in three different hospitals. This blog tells the story of the struggles that he and his family endured.
Years ago I was reading Luke 2. In particular, I was reading the passage where Jesus tells Mary that it was time for Him to be about His Father’s business. The Holy Spirit communicated to me that being saved was not enough. You could still be saved, but The Lord is looking for a 100% commitment to Him. I decided then and there I would commit my life 100% to Jesus. There would no turning back. I would pursue Jesus with all that I had to give. I certainly would not be perfect. But I wouId press on fully intent on serving Him to the fullest. It was this commitment to Jesus that God used to get me thru this trial.
To God be the honor, the glory and the praise!
Rev. Dr. N. Patrick Marica contributes incisive Christian commentary on this blog on a regular basis. He is the Vice-Chancellor of Amherst Theological Seminary, and a D. Min. from Amherst Theological Seminary. He has his MA from Liberty University in Marriage and Family Therapy. He is the author of the book: "The Walk Applied". He has also written "The Fasting and Prayer Handbook" He is the Director of Godly Training Ministries. He has been married to Kathy since 1985. They have 2 adult daughters and an extraordinary son-in-law.
Contact Nick at gtm@godlytraining.org
On Facebook: Rev. Dr. N. Patrick Marica