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Rev. Dr. N Patrick Marica

IT HAPPENED about 50 years ago. The little boy (he was, say, 3, maybe 4?) kept staring at my buddy John, who happened to be African American.

The young boy tugged on John's shirt sleeve. He asked "'d you get so black?" he inquired. John, without missing a beat, looked at the little boy and said: "Well, young man, I drink lots of chocolate milk".

The little boy was astonished - his eyes opened wide and he gasped. "So...If I drink lots of chocolate milk, I could be like you?!?". John and I could barely suppress our giggles. John said "well, you go ask your Mom, young man..."

The little boy turned and excitedly ran off. "MOM...MOM...!!!!"

Rev. Dr. N. Patrick Marica contributes incisive Christian commentary on this blog on a regular basis. He is the Vice-Chancellor of Amherst Theological Seminary, and he has a D. Min. from Amherst Theological Seminary. He has his MA from Liberty University in Marriage and Family Therapy. He is the author of the book: "The Walk Applied". He has also written "The Fasting and Prayer Handbook". He has been married to Kathy since 1985. They have 2 adult daughters and an adult son.

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The time for a truly unique and different rock solid biblical approach is certainly here. The new and exciting approach of “The Walk Applied” brings to the Christian mileau a perspective that is rarely addressed: What does it mean to be a “Spiritual Being” operating in the Natural? What does it mean for me to be a “new creation in Christ”? What’s my real identity as a Christian? How does this “Jesus thing” operate from the “top down.” What’s this “sonship” thing all about? What does it mean to be adopted? What does it mean to be a citizen of the Kingdom? Without a solid understanding of how the Kingdom WORKS, how can we ever truly understand how to approach Jesus in the way that the Father intended? Christians are tired of “Church as usual”! Indeed, there is a growing chorus of voices (especially among the young) “there’s gotta to be a better way!” The sensible and different voice of “the Walk Applied” has been written to describe that better way. An excellent choice for Group Study or Sunday School



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