I couldn’t get into a rehabilitation facility because of all the complications I presented. God sent us an angel in disguise when we couldn’t get me into a rehab facility.
I asked her: “what are we supposed to do? You don’t want me here - you need the bed. I cant get into rehab; I can’t go home - Kathy can’t take care of me.” What are we supposed to do? She arranged a meeting. The result: I was soon in another hospital that had superior rehab facilities in a week - the closest one to our home. Exactly what we had prayed for!
All told, It took about two months to get me into a rehab facility. Initially, they told me that I had lost 80% of my functionality on my left side and about 20% on my right, so rehab was a given. At first, even sitting up was impossible. I couldn’t support myself. The competition for rehab beds is fierce, so finding a rehabilitation facility took some time. We had prayed for a facility that was close. I presented several complicating issues: the trachea, diabetes, dialysis, and my bed sore wound. Various facilities were considered: Richmond, Washington, and even Connecticut. Finally our prayers were answered, and Virginia Baptist Hospital took me. It was the closest facility to our house! Lisa, Sara and Andrew were excellent.
Courtney, a speech therapist at Virginia Baptist Hospital, listened to me patiently re: the food issue and changed my diet. (You'll recall that I had been restricted to a pureed food diet) Canned green beans never tasted so heavenly. However the trachea remained. I continued to improve, and the physical therapy was most profitable.
Nick is the Vice-Chancellor of Amherst Theological Seminary, and he has a D. Min. from Amherst Theological Seminary. He has his MA from Liberty University in Marriage and Family Therapy. He is the author of the book: "The Walk Applied: Living the New Creation Life as a Citizen of God's Kingdom in a Secular World". He has also written "The Fasting and Prayer Handbook". Nick has been married to Kathy since 1985, and hey are the proud parents of 3 children.
Contact Nick at nick.marica@srcministry.org
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